Texas History Project

Famous Men in the Texas Revolution            

   George Childress, Lorenzo de Zavala, James Fannin, Sam Houston, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, Juan N. Seguin, and William B. Travis are all men who played an important role in the Texas Revolution. They were all alive between 1788 and 1890. 

   Sam Houston was the first president of the Texas Revolution. He lost the battle of the Alamo, but won the Battle of San  Jacinto! He is most known for the Battle of San Jacinto. Sam Houston was fighting mainly for Texas Independence. Before most of the battles started between Mexico and Texas, Sam Houston got put in mexican jail for sending a badletter about Mexico to Texas.  

     George Childress made a mexician verversion of the Declaration of Independence during the Texas Revolution. He made it at the Milam Municiality convention of 1836, where him and his Uncle were asked to go to. Childress, also, settled people in Texas. He was fighting for Texas Independence.

      Lorenzo de Zavala settled families and was involved in alot of Mexico politics.  He settled most of the families in South Texas. He stopped getting involved in Mexico's politics because he didn't like what Santa Anna was doing. He became a Texan after that, and started getting involved in Texas politics. 

       James Fannin fought in four battles in theTexas Revolution. He wanted Texas Independence so bad, he lead in the battles of Gonzales, Goliad, Coleto, and Concepcion. 

       Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna went all through Texas, fighting battle, after battle, but won the Battle of the Alamo and lost the Battle of San Jacinto (for Mexico). He lost Texas when he lost the Battle of San Jacinto. 

        Juan N. Seguin took the message to Sam Houston that said "We need more soldiers at the Alamo, Santa Anna's army was on his way there". He , also. fought in the Battles of the Alamo and San Jacinto!

          William B. Travis lead and lost at the Battle of the Alamo. He was there to fight for Texas Independence against Mexico.